ASSIST Blog | ASSIST Software Romania
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This article explains how you can create a Custom Installer Package Bundle using WPF, Prism, MEF, and WiX. The Installer will have a CustomUI and some more functionality...


This article explains briefly how to build a standard Installation Package Bundle with WiX (Windows Installer XML) and it should be read in conjunction with the code in the GIT...

React Basics for Beginners in 2018 - ASSIST Software  - Ioana Ianovici

Technologies, Innovation, JavaScript, Front-end

React Basics for Beginners in 2018

This article is a React beginner's guide from where you can learn the main basics of React and how to create a React App in 2018.

Visual Recognition Tutorial with IBM Watson and Python

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Backend, Python

Visual Recognition Tutorial with IBM Watson and Python

In this article, you will learn how to use Watson’s default classifiers for image recognition and create and manage custom classifiers that can analyze images according to the...

How to connect an Ethereum node to the web browser - Ovidiu Vorobchevici - ASSIST-Software

Technologies, JavaScript, Blockchain, Innovation

How to connect an Ethereum node to the web browser

What is an Ethereum node? How to connect an Ethereum node to the web browser? Learn to deploy a smart contract and connect your blockchain to the browser. 

 Defining Learning in the context of Artificial Intelligence - Cris Doloc   | ASSIST Software Romania Blog

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Innovation

Defining Learning in the context of Artificial Intelligence by Cris Doloc

In this article, Cris Doloc Ph.D. FintelligeX Inc., Chicago defines the main types of Learning in the realm of artificial intelligence and gives a better understanding of these...


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